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About YES! Church

Our Name

We emphasize YES! because most people have had enough NO! to last a lifetime. Jesus is the divine Yes according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:19,20. All the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ. Yes, you can be healed. Yes, God can restore your family. Yes, there is more for you in life. We choose to approach life as an exciting invitation to partner with God. That is not to say we don't preach the "thou shalt nots" of the Bible. A battery has both positive and negative posts and the two work together to create power, but the bulk of our thoughts should focus on the goodness of God. Christ's open hands on the cross were the ultimate YES!

Our Start

YES! Church was established in February 2021 following the shutdowns and chaos of the 2020 pandemic. Pastor Kris & Tricia agreed, "The spirit of antichrist had never been more clearly at work in our lifetimes. We vowed to never lose another year of ministry to any attack of the enemy". The Jacksons and a small group maintained home meetings and internet presence through 2020 then committed to hit the ground running with the new year.  "We knew we had a charge from the Lord to create a local launching pad through which we and the ministries that would connect with us could base. So we took a step of faith and bought a hundred chairs when we had no building". Then a humble storefront in a shopping plaza opened to us then miracle after miracle followed leading us to and furnishing our current complex.

Our Pastors

Kris & Tricia Jackson have made the Branson West area their home since marrying in 2019, though Kris has been a part of the Branson area since 1987, serving six years as pastor of Oak Ridge Full Gospel Church and then basing his evangelistic ministry here, ever since. They have a mixed family of six children and a quiver full of grand and great-grandchildren. Kris' apostolic approach to ministry and Tricia's successful business experience suit them specially for pioneering and pastoring an innovative work in the Tri-Lakes region. Kris is a youthful 67 years old and Tricia is, who knows. Together they are "doing life" and loving life, thankful for the opportunity to serve and love the wonderful people whom the Lord sends their way, while still maintaining an active ministry in reaching their portion of the world harvest for Christ.

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View of back lot and Hwy 13

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