Archived Sermons
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2025 Messages
Messages preached in series are found on the teaching series page
Word Church
1/12/25 / Is there any other kind of church than a "word" church. Meditate in, muse on, memorize and master the word.
1/5/5 / Opening the New Year - talk your expectation, lock your focus, unlock your potential and more. How to move from start to finish by faith (Romans 1:17).
2024 Messages
12/22/24 / A message from Luke 1 on how the Word was made flesh and how revelation becomes reality in our own lives, through the Word.
The GO Gospel
12/8/24 / A word-by-word message on the Great Commission, which the Bible editors thing should be a great omission. When the light turns green, it's time to go!
Thanks a Lot!
12/1/24 / As a man "thanketh" in his heart, so is he. Change the way you thank and you will change the way you think. A message on thanksgiving and praise.
How to Minister the Spirit - Part 3
This message looks at levels of presence and power of the Holy Spirit within a people, anointing, fire, manifestations, etc.
How to Minister the Spirit - Part 2
11/10/24 / The Holy Spirit needs a container, or a Form. The Form needs a Filling. The Filling results in Function, etc.
25 Reasons Why We Voted to "Save the Democracy"
If you confess Jesus as Lord and King "you're at the right rally!" Ecc 3:8 says "there is a time to speak".
How to Minister the Spirit
10/13/24 / Galatians 3:5 speaks of "ministering" the Spirit, a Greek word that pictures the Holy Spirit choreographing His purposes.
8/25/24 / Looking at everything from oddballs (a peculiar people) to mothballs (dead churches) puffballs (powerless preaching) fireballs and spitballs (Laodicean church).
Ezekiel's Boneyard
8/11/24 / All the elements of revival are contained in this story that prophesies the return of Israel but also the reviving of the exceeding great army of God (Ezek 37:1-10).
It's 7:14
7/14/24 / A message delivered on July 14th, 7/14, after the assassination attempt on Pres. Trump from 2 Chronicles 7:14, discussing prayer time, prayer room, prayer language and much more.
Superman III
7/7/24 / A walk through Psalm 8 dealing with God's excellent praise, Man's exalted position and the Church's executive power. What is man? All things are under his feet, a new superhumanity.
Superman II
6/23/24 / A look at the new creation man, the last Adam, second man and new superhumanity authored and pioneered by Jesus Christ. Jesus showed us "what manner of man" we are to be.
Superman I
6/19/24 / A Father's Day message for men on any day. In Christ God's men are Supermen because He has become the new Adam of a new superhumanity.
He Was Seen!
4/3/24 / Subpoenas for 531 eyewitnesses of the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15 testifies that "he was seen" on several occasions. This analytical lawyer-like message interrogates all the eyewitnesses in a court of law and the evidence proves that Jesus rose from the dead and today is Lord!
The Ride of Your Life
3/24/24 PM / Exposition on the donkey that Jesus rode into town. The lord had need of him - He has need of you. Just be available, receive the bit and have some backbone!
The Gittite Generation
2/25/24 PM / Craig Rogers / A message on how many of the people of Gittith became hungry for the glory of God as seen in the Ark of the Covenant, and became gatekeepers in the house of God under King David.
The Tribulation Period
2/18/24 / Basic truths regarding the coming tribulation and rise of the antichrist and its relation to the believer, the church age, Israel, and the world. Prophecies from Daniel, Revelation, Jeremiah, Matthew 24 and Thessalonians.
Our India Story
2/11/24 / Watch our amazing story of preaching to a convention of 20,000, open doors around the world, and stories from beautiful Kerala, followed by two hospitalizations, emergency surgery and God's mercy through His global body. A story you will not soon forget!
2024: Year of Fruit
1/14/24 / Jesus stood between the ax blade of the law and a fruitless fig tree and said, "Let it alone this year also". Could this be the year of fruit? Expository preaching from Luke 13:6-9.
2023 Messages
Positioning for Revival
11/12/23 / One good position is on your face at the altar! We are praying for a revival of hunger, humility, hope, etc. Seven "H" words much needed today!
11/5/23 / Important truths on the apple of God's eye, Israel, and where modern Israel stands in Bible prophecy. This is "this generation" (Mat 24:34).
10/29/23 / Ten scriptural points on the priority doctrine of water baptism for every believer.
Gaza: In History, in Prophecy
10/15/23 / Commenting on numerous prophetic scriptures dealing with Gaza, Tyre, Damascus, the Psalm 83 confederacy, the northern allied attack against Israel and the battle of Armageddon.
Big Bad John
10/8/23 / A biography of John the Baptist, forerunner of Jesus. A powerful preacher and transitional figure between the locusts of the law and the honey of grace.
10/1/23 / John 3:16 is a volume in a verse and an ocean in a droplet. Learn the 3:16 verses and you'll know the whole plan of redemption. Simple reminders from Luke 3:16, Acts 3:16, 1 Cor 3:16 and many more.
Yom Kippur & the Azazel Mystery
9/24/23 PM / One of the most interesting and convicting studies we have done, looking at the High Priest Jesus' ministry in the Holy of Holies, the closing of this dispensation and sealing of judgment. It is Christ or Azazel, paradise or perdition.
Aye, Aye Captain
9/17/23 / A walk through the big fish story in Luke 5:1-11. Jesus is the Greek - epistasus, Captain of the boat. By faith Peter let down the nets for a boat-sinking catch. There is an in-gathering before the up-taking.
Yes and No
9/10/23 / Jesus said we are to let our yes be yes and our no be no (Mat 5:37). There are things you better never say no to, and others you better say no to. And when you say no, mean no. Important truths about drawing distinctions.
Cut Loose!
9/3/23 / What a believer looses on earth is what has been loosed in heaven. The tied colt was loosed. Woman, thou art loosed! Loose Lazarus and let him go. It’s time to cut loose and get loose!
Household Salvation
8/27/23 PM / Provision is made for your whole house to be saved. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15). Twelve biblical steps for leading the way for your family to be saved.
The Adam Principle
8/20/23 / Going back to the original Adams Family, our primal parents, their dominion, their DNA, their fall, and the Last Adam who brought redemption to our fallen race. Adam had seven special powers given by God.
8/13/23 / Jeanine Wilson Newsom ministers on maintaining Body unity from Jesus’ intercessory prayer in John 17.
The Trans-Formation of America
6/18/23 / “Straight Talk” on the sexualization of society, militarization against, and ultimately criminalization of biblical standards.
Four Fires
5/28/23 PM / Taking a walk through the life of Peter at the fire, under fire, on fire and through the fire.
Seasons of Motherhood
5/14/23 / A Mother’s Day message by Tricia Jackson on different stages of a Mom’s life from high school bride to grandmother and stepmother.
Power of a Name
4/30/23 / Jesus surnamed Peter and renamed Paul. He will at last dis-name the wicked. We mistakenly mis-name what God has named.
Moving Day
4/23/23 PM / Someone says, “I hate moving!” but move we must, whether moving forward as a church, or making the final move to heaven.
Mountain-Moving Faith
2/26/23 PM / A mountain isn’t figured by size but rather the amount of fear it produces. A big mountain requires an even bigger mouth. Mountain move!
Dry Bones
2/26/23 AM / Antonya Robinson speaks from Ezekiel 37 on the valley of dry bones, breaking the passage down word-by-word.
What’s Love Got to Do With It? / Valentine Day service
2/14/23 / Sami Johnson leading worship, Tom Lovato, Bud & Lynda Lynn singing specials, Pastors Kris & Tricia sharing “Top Ten Love Songs”.
Present Power
1/22/23 PM / Looking at the divine power source, supply, switch and surge. The power that raised Jesus from the dead flows in the church, God’s “power station”.
What are Your Seeking?
1/10/23 / Pastor Patricia Jackson asking “What are You Seeking?” at Oh Yes I Can! Ladies Luncheon.
D-Day / Declaration Day
1/1/23 / Sharing our Faith Declaration over our church and people for the New Year. Desire, define, declare, demand, deploy, determine, etc.
2022 Messages
Miracle Birth
12/25/22 / Christ is born! Kris shares seven points on the mystery, mockery, majesty, ministry, mastery, melody and monarchy revealed in the Christmas story.
When It’s Hard to Say Thanks, It Helps to Give Thanks
12/4/22 / A verse-by-verse journey through the peril of the Euroclydon storm in Acts 27 and see how Paul coped with what appeared a hopeless situation.
It’s Supernatural!
11/27/22 / Everything about Jesus was supernatural. He came to create a supernatural people. Welcome to the supernatural life!
What is “Church”?
11/20/22 / A 12-point study of Hebrews 12:22-24, on two churches, the church in the wilderness at Mt. Sinai and the church in the heavenlies at Mt. Sion.
Come and Get It!
11/13/22 / Ten exciting, igniting motivational points on how to get “it” whatever your “it” may be. “It” is finished (John 19:30).
Grief & Beyond
11/8/22 / Tricia Jackson shares with “Oh Yes I Can!” women valuable advice and personal experience on overcoming grief and the sorrow of various kinds of loss.
Reawaken America
11/6/22 / We’ve had two great awakening in America. The third awakening will be a rude awakening. Twelve key issues that affect the direction of the country.
10/30/22 / We need a downpour! Pastor Kris teaches on the outpouring and ingathering before the uptaking. A study on the early and latter rain.
10/23/22 / Kris has coined a new term, Uptimism, always expecting an upgrade, uptick, and the upside in life. Ten points, look up, lighten up, link up, etc.
Power of a 21-Day Fast
10/16/22 / Kris teaches on the power of a Daniel fast and lays down ten areas of need in the local body and nation for revival praying.
Redeeming the Time – Ladies Luncheon
10/11/22 / India-born Sarah George shares the word to “Oh Yes I Can!” Women in Malayalam dress.
Consequence of Words
9/25/22 PM / The angel told Daniel, “I am come in consequence of your words” (Daniel 10:12). Angels hearken to the voice of His spoken word (Psalm 103:20).
9/13/22 / Antonya Robinson speaks to “Oh Yes I Can!” ladies group on Nomi in the Book of Ruth. Antonya is a gifted singer and preacher of the word
Potter’s Process – Part 2
8/21/22 / Looking at twelve points in this series. ,The Master Potter prepares select clay and isolates it to find its true character.
Potter’s Process – Part 1
8/14/22 / There is the process of molding the clay vessel is the selecting, then the smashing, sifting and spinning, on the spinning wheel.
“Good” Looking People
7/24/22 PM / Learn to change your outlook into uplook in this message. The eye doctor shot laser holes in my eye, others have shot holes in my attitude.
The Dominoes are About to Fall
5/29/22 / The god Dagon fell on its face before the Ark of the Covenant. God vindicated His own honor by humiliating the Philistine idol.
Good Old Fashioned Well Water
5/22/22 / I loved Grandma’s well water. First there is thirst, “I need a drink!” Then you prime the pump and start pumping.
Here I Stand, I Can Do NO Other!
5/22/22 PM / Pastor David Killingsworth oshares sound theology on grace and justification from Romans, speaking at monthly HouseAfire revival night.
God’s Healing Will, Word & Work
5/15/22 / Three major miracles, dealing with leprosy, paralysis and fever, reveal God’s will, His word and Christ’s work concerning healing.
Prophetic Giftings
5/10/22 / Debra Short shares personal experience on understanding prophetic gifting at “Oh Yes I Can!” Ladies Luncheon
Mama Bear
5/8/22 / Kris & Tricia Jackson take turns walking through Proverbs 31, looking at the Model Mom’s vows, virtues, vision and values.
How to Get Through What You’re Going Through
4/24/22 / “By faith” is instantaneous miracles, “through faith” receives the miracle in time. Most testimonies come “through faith”, going through trials.
April Ladies’ Luncheon – worship and message
4/19/22 / Monthly women’s service. Sami Straub leading worship, Sue Ann O’Neal Clark special song. Jeanine Wilson Newsom speaker.
Easter Outfits
4/17/22 / A must see Resurrection Sunday message on ten redemptive outfits that Jesus wore. If I can just touch His clothes! T
The Lord has Need of You
4/10/22 / The colt in the Triumphal Entry story is symbolic of every believer who carries the King of the kingdom. In Christ you’re in for the ride of your life!
A Mary Heart
4/3/22 / Pastor Kris shares a moving drama of three worshipers with the same name, Mary, or “bitterness”, who turned bitterness into “better”-ness,
Prophecies of the Cross
3/27/22 AM / A powerful study of specific, detailed prophecies concerning Jesus and the cross. Prophetic scriptures prove the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Command
3/27/22 PM / Powerful truths on warring in the heavenlies and stationing a command center for Kingdom operations in a local church and local area.
The Answer for Cancer
3/20/22 / Kris shares seven points from Proverbs 18:14 which speaks of the power of the human spirit to fight physical disease and other battles.
Jim Davis Testimony
3/20/22 / Jim asks the question, “If you only had six months to live, what would you do with your life?”
Reducing the Anxiety Level
3/13/22 / Ten points on being overwhelmed by trouble. Taken from Psalm 61, “when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I”.
Aliyah – The Return
3/13/22 PM – Guest speaker from Tiberius, Israel, Chaim Malespin shares what Aliyah is all about.
Seasoned, Seasoning and Seasons
2/22/22 / Tricia Jackson shares life-applicable thoughts on God’s work of seasoning our lives.
2021 Messages
All You Need is One Word from God
12/19/21 PM / Mary said, “Be it to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38), or “your rhema”. All you need is one seed, one word, one rhema to change your life.
First New Testament Worship Service
12/19/21 AM / The Magi’s worship of the Christ child is the model, template for all New Testament worship. They told Herod, “We have come to worship him”.
Birthing the Promises – Tricia Jackson
Join Pastor Tricia as she expounds from Hebrews then walks us through the process on birthing the seed of the word.
The Choice and the Chase
Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha (the Choice) then Elisha pursued the man of God until he got what he wanted (the Chase).
One Day = 1,000 Years
In this message Pastor Kris lays out a clear picture of God’s 7-day week ending in the Second Coming of Christ, and numerous scriptures on the Third Day Mystery
The Final World Order
We are cascading into a new world system. Walk through the prophetic scriptures and connect the dots.
Elisha’s Cot
The Shunemite woman’s son was raised from the dead, metaphorical of what God wants to do with dead dreams, dead marriages and spiritually dead children.
You’re In The Army Now!
Fifteen insights on how a child of God relates to the American soldier (2 Timothy 2:3,4). Must-know basics (Basic Training) for going to war for the Kingdom.
Joshua Generation – Part 1
How long are you slack to go possess the land? (Joshua 18:3) It is time to enter the Promise Land. Amazing revelation on all aspects of the life of Joshua/Yeshua.
Joshua Generation – Part 2
Powerful revelatory teaching on the Book of Joshua, looking at the believer’s three biggest battles, sin, strongholds and self.
Luke On Prayer
Expounding most all the verses on prayer unique to the Gospel of Luke. Luke the beloved physician found the key to healing in the life of Jesus Christ, MD.
Without a Doubt
Believe your beliefs and doubts your doubts! When in doubt, don’t! Ten powerful points on living above the crippling power of doubt.
Apostolic Fatherhood
The kingdom is perpetuated by father/son relationships. God is sending an Elijah spirit that will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children.
Say Yes to the Dress – Tricia Jackson
Tricia relates her own wedding dress to Christ and the Bride. Every wrinkle ironed out with the iron of judgment, every spot washed white in the blood of the Lamb.
Acts 2 – Pentecost Sunday
Pastor Kris and five other HouseAfire preachers share verse-by-verse thoughts and experiences on Acts 2 and the Day of Pentecost.
Resurrection Power – Part 1
Resurrection Sundays are for resurrection power. God is a power source or power supply. Prayer is a power switch. The church is intended to be a power station.
Resurrection Power – Part 2
A message on “the mighty power of God” wrought in Christ when God raised Him from the dead (Eph 1:19,20). Kris looks at dunamis, energia, ischus and kratos.
A Fresh Anointing
Key points on the anointing of the Spirit – It is better caught than taught/ If you want an outpouring, try pouring out/ and many more powerful thoughts.
We say “Yes, Lord” upward and “Yes, Friend” outward. The gospel is upward and outward, theological and sociological. Jesus said we are to “do unto others”. I
Forward March!
“Go forward” (Exodus 14:15) In this acrostic message Kris shows how to “fast forward” your way to the place you desire to be in God and in life.